Thursday, 30 October 2014


Having trouble creating a good resolution STL file for print?
Don’t worry we are here to help. With 15 years of experience in this field there is no excuse for a badly faceted STL file, therefore you get the highest quality part.
IGES TO STL STL File Generation news
We use Netfabb Studio to repair our STL files.
If you need to send a large STL then please zip it up using winrar or winzip.
Because with 3D Printing “What you see is what you get”, and if you see a rough file on the screen, then that’s exactly how it will come out in the printer.
STP TO STL STL File Generation news
One golden rule about exporting STL for e-mail is that you do it in BINARY format and NOT ACSII. The reason for this is that ascii format is like text and creates a much larger STL file.
Future website updates will cover all aspects of exporting STL files from various software CAD packages……so stay tuned for all those great tips.
Computer games is also an area where we can excell and bring you’re avatar or personalised character to life as a real 3D model sitting on you’re desk.


High res versus low res
Magicmodel 3dprinters are capable of producing parts in 2 resolutions. If you require a quick turnaround and
your part is quite big ie 150mm x 150mm x 150mm say then you ought to opt for the low resolution at 0.25mm per
layer. This is pretty much the default for most fdm based machines as it gives a good balance between quality
and speed. Both resolutions allow for 0% – 100% infill which can also help speed things up whilst preserving
the strength of your part or model.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Magicmodel web site

New Web Site Launched.
And it's responsive. That means you can see it on your iphone!
Check it out